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My Humble Opinion

Everyone must exercise his or her right to be heard. The opinions contained on this page are strictly my own. Feel free to agree. If you don't, email me. I might just post your opinion. Then again, maybe I won't!

I first shall state that I myself am not an expert on anything, therefore what I do have to say has no real relevance and should by no means be thought of as an absolute truth.

I only decided that I have a right to be heard.

Fat people should not wear spandex. Spandex, for all the morons that have been asleep for the last fifty years is an extremely elastic substance that stretchs to fit a certain form. Problem number one: Fat people have more rolls than a bakery. When the wear spandex, it looks like they have been wrapped for individual sale. Problem two: Seeing that much fat has a tendency to make others sick. When a person vomits, the ground gets slick. Said Fat person could slip, splattering innocent bystanders with puke, causing more people to get sick. Result: a horrible chain reaction.

Global take overs are nowhere near as hard as all those stupid dictators try to claim. They really think that they pull one over on us by taking several years, perfecting horrible schemes that have only one flaw, the idiot never has a back up plan, therefore they fail. This is why I must share with you my fool proof plan. First, you must complete law school and become a politician. Go to the Senate and serve a couple of terms. Then run for president. Once you win by promising tax cuts and world peace, you must, by executive order, do away with the election process, becoming El Presidente for life. Next, it gets a little tricky. You send very despensible people in to all the developed nation. Have them rig very loud public address systems and blast from them "The Hamster Dance" 24 hours a day until their governments submit to your awesome power. Now you control the world. Wait a second, I revealed my first plan. I guess I must go to Plan B. Behold, the power of cheese!!

Why don't more people participate in Casmir Pulaski Day celebrations. He was a really awesome man. People say he drove the snakes out of Ireland. No wait, that was St. Patrick. Who is Casmir Pulaski then? Why does he have a holiday? I am confused...must recollect brain...

People are way too serious. All you have to do to offend them is say the wrong thing. We should be more like dogs. When was the last time your dog got mad at you for calling them fat. They just look at you, jump on you, and lick your face.

"Final Exams" are really a KGB plot to take over the world. Don't believe me? Then why is it that after hours of studying for that killer test (Everyone has one.) you know nothing, and your mind is mush? It is because the Soviets have inserted messages into the text that will take over your mind, then boom, you work for them.

Love is a game only fools play. It is just another way they play with your mind. Don't fall for it...NO...resist...not worth it! Enough said.

There are tiny cameras everywhere. They let the FBI and CIA know everything you do. Just when you think it is safe to pick that one is looking right. Wrong!!! They are in a little room some where laughing at you, wondering why you don't just get different underwear. And I won't even mention what they think when you check yourself out in the mirror. Just remember...YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever been the victim of a terrible stereotype? It isn't fun. It isn't right. But that's life! So shut up you snivveling ninny! If you weren't such a frickin pansy it wouldn't bother you! Is that better

Leadership is supposedly chosen by God. So here is the question--why does God always seem to choose the dumbest people? It seems like if he is choosing these people to lead us, that maybe he is just trying to set the world up for failure. Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe God does tell us to vote for and maybe we are just to stupid to listen?

Jesus was a communist. I won't even explain. Just read the new testament.

I am writing this in light of recent events involving the impending war in Iraq. What I am about to say may not be the popular opinion, but it is the way I feel. If you don't like it, I am sorry. However, we all are entitled to our own opinions. Hours ago, I heard about "anti-American" statements made by Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chick at a concert in London. She said that she was ashamed that the President was from Texas. Since that time many country stations have pulled their music from the play list. I don't know about you but I am outraged. Not by their statement, but by our reaction. SHe as well as any one of us is entitled to an opinion, whether or not we agree with it. I know that I in no way agree, but I also believe, in this, the Land of the Free, we shouldn't try to punish someone in to changing their mind when they are in no way breaking any laws by making a statement. They don't support going to war and that is fine. That makes them no less patriotic. Many good Americans I know don't want to go to war. When it comes down to it no one does. No one wants to see our young men and women have to lose their lives. And though we often don't think of it, that is a consequence of war. Another thing we are not thinking about is that we are fighting right now to liberate a country. We want them to have the same opportunities as us, including freedom of speech. It would make us hypocrites to punish someone for exercising that same freedom. So don't go out and boycott their music, or boo them off the stage. Just hold your opinion dear, and support our troops. GOD BlESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!

Love is cruel. I think I touched on love being bad before, but for all the children who weren't listening before, LOVE STINKS!!!!!!!!! You go along in life, totally content with being along, then someone comes along and messes it up. You are so happy with the interruption for awhile, then BAAAM- they leave you in the cold. Usually for someone, pretty, skinnier, smarter, or all the above, and you get to pick up the pieces...alone. So don't go for it, it ain't worth it.
