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Sayings that mean nothing. o.o

By Odd

-[ All the wonders you could ever dream lie under the tears you cry. ]-

-[ A child's wish is a dream come true. ]-

-[ Somewhere in the darkness there is always reflecting light. ]-

-[ The light isn't always the path to choose. ]-


Mascot program [Felix doesn't use it] can be downloaded at:

By: ???

" A cute little black and white cat who pads along your start bar or bottom of the screen and does many different little tricks. In the picture preview he was putting paw prints on the screen. o.o" - Odd

By: Odd

"Me doing what I usually do, but on your task bar! o.o; This mascot does not do anything when you click it, however." - Odd

"My.. second best mascot I think. Gir doesn't make any sound, but when you click him he sings the doom song.. silently o.o; When you don't click him he sits on your task bar swinging his legs and looking around." - Odd

"My favorite and what I think is my best mascot. Mew! She/he/it, whatever, doesn't do that much though. Just blink, twitch it's tail, and look cute. o.o; When you click Mew it giggles and makes the Mew giggle sound from Pokemon the First Movie." - Odd

"A crappy mascot of Tai I made... o.o;" - Odd

"A small InuYasha icon I made into a mascot. No sound when you click him, but he does the animation the icon originally did." - Odd

"A mascot of Mekka Toya. It's not all that great but when you click her she turns into her toy mouse for a little while oO;" - Odd

By Leo Cataro

"A cute little mascot of Furcadia Leo." - Odd

"A mascot I made of The Mistress/Baka... Doesn't do much, but I think it's kinda cute when you click on her. xD" - Odd


By: Odd

All poems/stories by Odd are copyrighted 2003 to Kelsey M Connolly, all rights reserved.


"A poem that doesn't really ryme all the much about how I thought life and worlds began. ;P" - Odd

Cheeseburger/Toast Wars

"A short story about how the Cheeseburger/Toast Wars started. o.o;" - Odd