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Good comebacks

While in life, people often shout negative comments
at you. Sometines there's a reason, and sometimes they're
just board. Well, nomatter why they're doing that, you
always need some good comebacks.

They say: Grow up.

Respond 1: Sorry, I decided to have sex later and not while I'm underage.
Respond 2: It's as up as I can get.
Respond 3: You sound just like my mother. (gasp) Can you be my second mother?

They say: Shut up!

Respond 1: Shhh!
Respond 2: If you shut down I might reconsider!
Respond 3: I can't, if I do, I would fart!

They say: Stupid fag.

Respond 1: Genius Straight.
Respond 2: (in Scooby-Doo's voice) Rag? Rare?
Respond 3: now now Eustace.

They say: F***ing retard.

Respond 1: No, I do it fast!
Respond 2: Who are you calling redtar? I mean retard?
Respond 3: Chuckling Cheeta???

They say: Man, f*** you!

The only respond: You f*** men?

They say: Suck my dick, bitch!

Respond 1: Blow my pussy, hctib!
Respond 2: Not if you suck mine first, I triple bitch dare ya!
Respond 3: (sarcastic) Ooh, look at me, I get horny when I'm angry...

I might add more in the future... (that means I will)

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