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Halloween Tips- The second tip...


If you seriously want to trick or treat this Halloween... I have one word for you "SAFETY!"

Get ready for the second tip...


For the Trick or Treaters:

1. If you dress up as Bin Laden, and the candy giver is patriotic... just say that you're dressing
up as Santa...

2. Do not throw candy on candy giver's face...

3. Scream once the candy giver opens the door

4. To get more candy, say some negative stuff about Bin Laden... and make like you're proud after.

5. After you rang the doorbell, turn around and bend down...

6. Say "Trick or treat" with a lot of candies in your mouth...

7. Cry and say that you don't want to live anymore to touch their heart, and they'll give you more

8. Keep ringing the doorbell even if the door's opened.

9. Tend to break in once the door's opened.

10. Always bring a cell phone to threaten the candy giver, say that you found white powder on your


For the "Candy Giver":

1. If they dressed up as Bin Laden, go ahead... slap them!

2. Give out batteries instead of candies...

3. If they scream... SLAP THEM!!!

4. If they said negative stuff about Bin Laden, say "I agree" then slam the door.

5. Kick their ass if they're bend down...

6. If their mouth's full of candy, say "you don't have enough space for any more candies" then
slam the door.

7. If they're trying to touch you... applause then slam the door...

8. Make an box and fill it with ziploc bags fill with powdered candy and sign says "Out with children to trick or treat, please help yourself!"

9. If they tend to break in... tell your dog to attack them...

10. If they threatens to call 911, say that you got everything taped, don't worry...


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