Mwalimu is right; this is not as easy to do as it looks. :P Here for your reading pleasure (or not, as the case may be) is an offered parallel-universe version of the TLK movie version of CYFTLT. Many thanks to Joe McCauley for feedback and helpful suggestions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kenya field aloft denied High conceal warts sapling In day notes salve askew Defaulting glove adheres stomata line Hard tree astound tattoo. See streetcar west stuffed highlight Stares mad chick if rewear Hand wiffle disrobe manic pat mice fear Does asters Cindy hair! Kenya field aloft denied Tree peas tea leaving brinks Twirled four Juan simper fact hominy We fall lits lift wing-dings. Some Annie sting stew teller Putt howdah may Chrissie Tut root a pout bypassed Tim possum bowl Shed tuna waif rummy. Ease soul dingbat see siding Bud war tie candy sighed Wine whoa tepee licking Hanoi yes Licking high skiing side. Kenya field aloft denied Tree peas tea leaving brings Twirled four Juan simper fact hominy We fall lits lift wing-dings. Kenya field aloft denied Hue knee dunce luge tough are Ceiling fruity nide sun shirt in tease Club fist wear day yard. Hand tiff free false sing glub denied Wicked bean exhumed Fizz scare three daze we fuss Scar fishery Insured tower palace tombed! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This may be posted on web pages or freely distributed if the author is given credit and the text is not altered. David Cleary ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oy! Somebody stop me before I get involved in trying to do "Beep repaired"........ :P