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Life For Dummies: The Real Deal™


Alright... this is the real deal, that means it really helps
you to improve your life!

1. When in a crowded area, and you need space, just move your hip back and forth.

2. To stop yawning, fake like if you're cracking up, air will rush out your nose.

3. To stop sneezing, tell someone to slap your back, or force yourself to sneeze a BIG one.

4. Don't hold your farts, you'll get hemorrhoids. Also from pushing too hard while crapping.

5. If you're hurt, think happy thoughts.

6. The best way to hallucinate is DREAMING, so loose those drugs!

7. If you want your dream to have relations to something, place that thing under your pillow.
(it's a myth but I tested it on my sister and it worked... that thing can also be on paper.)

8. MYTH: to grow taller, stretch before and after you sleep.

9. If someone wants you to repeat, say it in a British accent. (good articulation)

10. Drinks that contain lemon can stop thirsts caused by MSG.