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Power Puff FM: Cartoon, anime music and more!

The Sims Resource: Cool downloads for "The Sims"

The Easter Eggs Archive: Find out secret craps that the creators put in stuff

Cartoon Network: Toons, toons, and guess what? More toons!

Carl and Solomon's website: ...well, they have my link on their site...

Kayhan's band's site... which they didn't say thanks to me...

Nick's website... dead forever for all those asdfologist out there

A creepy realplayer time 24 hour live reporter thing... (great entertainment for stoned people)

The grave of B F Skinner-- While you're there, check this out

If Google is too slow for you, try it's mirror site...

Not a place to find information about the Emmy awards...

Keith's band


Four Days Late From Expiration Date

Hello My Future Ex-girlfriend    and my girlfriend

Don't click here


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