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CHAPTER10- Ten minutes of wait...

How can I find my parents? How can I find my parents? this question stuck in my head
like every song I hear with a question in it, because they make me think... the idea hit me,
but I got stuck in a toilet again from the hit. This time is in a gas station, not only my own
poo is touching my vagina... I waited for ten minutes for my release. I have to seriously wipe
my ass!!!

The idea is... I'm going to make pamphlets and pass it out. Not ordinary pamphlets, pamphlets
about me. I'm kinda excited because that it's the first time that I make a pamphlet about me. I decided
to make a pamphlet that says "My name is Jennifer Lopez, I'm adopted and I want to see my real parents."
I made a lot of copies in some local printing shop, I spent total of 10 dollars on the printing, and 3 on a
pair of scissors.

So I spent this whole day standing at a corner passing out pamphlets about me... some people act like they
cared and gave me some money, what they didn't know is that I have $699986.50 on me. Well, adding up all
those money I got, I have $700,000 all over again! Well anyways, most of them just gave a smirk and threw my
pamphlets away. They're not my parents, not even my parent's friends... I registered a room in a motel... it costed
me 10 times three (that's 30) bucks per day.