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CHAPTER11- The eleventh one's gonna get you

There's something strange going on lately, everybody's seems to be afraid of something...
I asked my partner at work what's going on...

"Why's everyone acting weird lately, Luke?" I asked.

"Don't you know? There's a monster loose!" said Luke.

"Monster?" I laughed, "Don't be ridiculous..."

"It's true, there's this monster that comes out at night and attacks people with... with..."

"With what?"

"Pamphlets!" He shouted, then he put his head in his hand and cried... he sure have a small head...

"It's OK..." I hugged him, "It's ok..."

What is this crap about pamphlets anyways, maybe Luke worked too hard... or maybe there is a monster...
No, there's no monsters... Everybody are just working too hard and don't know where the hell they are... maybe not...
The probibility on that is really slim... 11:00... on the way home, I saw a lot of pamphlets on the ground... maybe there is a monster
wait a minute, on closer look, it's not a monster's work... It's a girl, Jennifer Lopez... Jennifer Lopez... Jen... somehow the name
sounds familiar... Not it can't be... not here... not now... wait, "not here" is fine, the time should be anytime... so then it should be
"not here... not anytime..." there... wait, maybe I'll just take "not anytime" off, it's sounds weird... ok, trying again... not now......
there! That's better! Wait, I haven't introduce myself yet... My name is Eric Lopez...