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CHAPTER12- two-wealth

The motel sucks... the bed is squishy, the TV's playing gay porn, which reminds me of Charlie.
Well, it's not that I don't like gay porn, it's just that I hate Charlie. No, it's not that I hate Charlie because
he's gay, well, he's bisexual, but it's just that he cheated on me... that's all. I'm ok with gay. Anyway, back
to discribing the motel, there's too many graffitis, well, it's not like that I'm against graffitis, it's just that they
are decorating the places that they shouldn't decorate. No, it's not like that I'm against sharpies, I even use
them on some of my pamphlets, it's just that they're now use to writing offensive stuff. It's not that I'm against
black people, it's just that... no wait, it's in spanish... well, it's not that I'm against mexicans, because I'm one.
All in a nut sack, everything is crappy here in this motel.

Think again, I don't look mexican...... do I?... Ahhh! Thinking hurts... I only stayed for a day in the motel, of course...
and continue passing out my... Egads! Thems a lots of pamphlets on the ground... gotta pick them up. There seems to
be someone watching me... I shrugged and went back to my pamphlet picking. It took me twelve minutes to pick them
all up. While passing out my pamphlets, that mysterous person passed by, I offered him a pamphlet, he stared at me
for a while... then he went off... I thought for a moment that if I had any enemys back then... all of them are girls.... hookers!