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CHAPTER13- Thirteen the friday

This can't be... it can't be her... how did she get here? does she know? Is she coming back for...
REVENGE? Arggh... there's my constantly questioning in my head thing again, it's in the genes...
But they are important questions though... no answers, but good important questions... must
concentrate... i'm still at work... (I work at Starbucks) but I can't... this is more important than work...

I'm a good father... I bought her a lot of stuff: candies, plastic fake jewelry necklaces, teddy bears...
Although... I do hurt her a few times... because she said that there's food coloring in the candies. And...
and... those necklaces are not real diamonds or bling blings, I don't even know what bling blings are...
those words weren't invented 'till the late 90s. And... the teddy bears doesn't have any sexual organs...

But one thing is, how she always bother me with those pamphlets!!! Since preschool she's been making ABC
pamphlets... just imagine 50 million alphabet pamphlets lying around your house! Can you stand it? You need
1 A and that's enough but she keep making more As, and Bs... all through Z... and it's driving me crazy!!!

Luke's right, she IS a monster, that's why I have to give her away! I have to... but on the other hand... I need a
daughter though, she's the only one I've got... after I succeeded planting my sperm in my wife Laura, the doctor
said that my testicles can't make sperm anymore, it's in the genes, they make cappuccino syrup forever after I
ejaculate in a vagina... after Laura heard that she went away... I thought I lost my daughter...

Nine months later I saw a baby crying in a basket on my doorstep... there's a note attached to it:

Dear Eric you sorry syrup sperm ass:
Here's the baby, our baby, actually now it's your baby.
I don't want the baby, our baby, my sweet ex-husband-baby.
her name is Jennifer, Jennifer the baby.
PS: I don't care how you treat her, you might as well just eat her.
without love, Laura

Jennifer Lopez... my daughter... how? why?... it doesn't matter now... you are my only daughter...

On the way home from work... I took a deep breath, lift up my chest, walk toward you, and say...

Jennifer Lopez, I am your father!