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CHAPTER14- Fourteen for teen

Oh my god... my father... MY father? The one who had sex just for me? Him? This guy?
That guy yesterday is my father? Why? What? What's going on? Uh... blagiblingnhifff..sssss
fsssfahh? mmmm... can't.. what? Where? and now this? You mean all this time the guy yesterday
is my...? (SHOCK, SHOCK, BUZZ, ERRRR BEEP) (stars twinkle twinkle fade to black)

"Jennifer! Jennif.........."

(INHALE, EXHALE, INHALE, EXHALE) (BEEP... BEEP...) (weak blink, blur to clear)
it's him again... "Jennifer! Are you ok? You scared me..."

"Yeah... where am I?"

"You're in the hospital..."

"Are you really my Dad?"

"Yes I am."

"Where's Mom?"

"She's gone."


"No, just ran away."

"Are we able to find her?"

"I don't know."

"......are you sure that you're my Dad?"

"I'm sure..."

"Would you like a pamphlet?"

I felt a prick... (fade to black)