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CHAPTER15- filthteam uh... fifthteen

(the following chapter is in third person view)

Eric sighed, and patted Jennifer on the shoulder. "Sleep well, sweetie, tomorrow daddy'll bring
you to work," he whispered.

Jennifer woke up the next day, and she realized that she's in a car already.

"Help! Rape!" She yelled, while half-asleep in the back seat of Eric's car. But then after she's fully
awake, she laughed stupidly, "heheh sorry Dad."

"Well, here we are, Starbucks," Eric announced, "This is where Daddy works!"

They got out of the car and went inside, inside there's a few people sitting already. "You're late today
Eric," said Luke, "oh, nevermind... guess you had all the fun last night."

"She's my daughter..." sighed Eric.

"your daughter!" exclaimed Luke, "I didn't know you had a daughter!"

Eric responded, "It's a long story..."

They laughed and they played, they hardly noticed that they're working... Luke made some jokes... like:

"I never went to the farmers market, because everytime they would offer toadstool samples!"

and then they laughed some more... boy, time sure fly fast... and it's time to go home...

In the car...

"When are we gonna find mommy?" asked Jennifer.

"Tomorrow, sweetie, tomorrow..."