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CHAPTER2- 2gether

So then, like today is like the day that me and Charlie get's married.
The church was decorated with colored plates with drawings from the nuns
and stuff, they looks like a drawing of a 3 years old. So then, it started,
the organ lady was playing the wedding song crap thing. I was so excited, I peed
in my wedding dress, which made it a dashing yellow glow, and it smells...
And I was so happy and stuff, boy, Charlie have a big family... there's Uncle Coke,
Uncle Cracker, Aunty Marywanna, Mother Gooose, Father Daaack, Grandma Limpinsog, and
brother Inncest.

"Will you take this woman and care about her and stuff?" said the pope, father,
whatchamacallhim... we all were drunk back then...

"Yes I do," said Charlie by kissing the pope.

The pope wiped his mouth and asked me the same question substituting woman with
man and her with him...

"Yes," I kissed the pope.

He wiped his mouth again and said "Now you may kiss your bitch, bitch."

We kissed... and we both wore the ring and stuff, ate the cake... They threw rice
on us... I kicked them in the nuts... we got in the car and killed the pope......
I'm 16...