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CHAPTER6- You're making me six!

It's Christmas time... My vagina is laughing with glee, and it's also barfing with goo! But I'm kinda worried...
I was worrying about my real parents, then a series of questions were rushing through my head...
Who are they? Where are they? What are they? Why do they leave me? Why do they have me?
When did they divorced? Why did they divorced? Are they really divorced? Where do I came from?
Why am I asking these questions? Why am I so curious? Was it all of those Curious George books
I've read in the book section? What time is it? How long does this crapping takes? What else can I
stick in my vagina for pleasure? Is it me or is Charley's family are a bunch of sick little bastards?

Then, this question hit me right on the top of the head... "Do I really love Charley...?", I thought about that
for a long time as I was trying to get out of the toilet from the hit... The thought took longer then i expected, I'm using the
best effort as I can to think and to get out of the toilet... then I realized that I was stuck to the toilet but that is not the
problem right now... I have to think... then I realized that I'm kinda trapped inside the cell... but that is not the problem right now...
then I realized how stinky my poo is... but that is not the problem right now... then I was realizing a lot of things... such as: Do i get
a yeast infection by getting stuck in the toilet letting the gas in the toilet circulates around? When will I get out? How can I get out?
Do flushing the toilet right now pleasures my vagina? Is Jimmy Neutron a turn on to me? Can you still pronounce herb as "her-b" even if
you're not British? Do they pronounce it like that? Who framed Roger rabbit? When will they make a vibrating toilet? Are those
fuzzy dices the testicles of the car? Can men have detachable testicles? Is Charley more gay than straight?..............

The "Do I really love Charley" question hit me again... then I found out that I'm stuck all the way in the toilet. My vagina is hopelessly
touching my own poo. Unaware of that, I think hard on the question this time without any types of distraction, even though the poo
is giving my vagina a good time... I think and I think and I think, then I think that Charley didn't really did anything special to me...
just to his brother, then I'm begining to think that Charley is cheating on me with his gay brother, Brother Inncest. They've been doing
gay stuff together since the wedding... who knows what they do before the wedding...? Then I think that I should say goodbye to Charley
and his perverted little brother, our relationship is over!

My anger rushed all through my body and I let out the biggest farting fart I've ever farted in my whole farting life! My god!
I've seemed to farting farted my farting self out from the farting toilet! I'm farting free from the farting stuck-age of me to the farting toilet!
"Fart yeah!" I cheered to my farting self. I farting flushed my farting crap down the farting drain! I farting paused for a farting moment, and
I farting heard two farting guys farting moaning in the farting men's bathroom... I farting opened the farting cell door and stepped out...
washed my farting hands and got the fart outta there. I secretly packed my farting bags and farted the way out of Costco! Going on my
farting journey, searching for my farting parents, those stupid motor for cars...