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CHAPTER7- Snow White and the seven dwarfs

Walking with my suitcase through a series of gas stations and crappy stores, I started to
think of a lot of things again, but this time they have answers: "What's my real name? I don't know.
If I have seven dwarfs as pets what would they be named? Poopy, Clampy, Peepy, Twitchy,
Pimp, Mouthful, and Pokey. Can I skip now? Yeah." I started to skip... "What should I stick in
my vagina for pleasure? Poo. Where should I go? I don't know." Then I bumped into something...
it's a sign that says, "Train tickets 5 dollars for regular seats, 10 for V.I.P. seats, animal seats are free"

"What a great deal!" I said to myself, then I went to the ticket booth and ask for a animal seat ticket,
the man says,"There are no animal seats tickets, just climb on the cart that's full of animals..." He wiped
his mouth angrily. I decided to get my ass on the animal cart before he calls security...

Before I went into the cart, I bought a newspaper and put it in my suitcase. Talking about my suitcase...
I have exactly seven things in there, seven hundred pieces of colored papers, seven crayons, seven bottles
of seven up, seven "Curious George" books, seven days worth of clothes, $700,000, and that newspaper I
bought with seven different contents in it (US news, world news, entertainment, comics, home living, sports,
and my favorite section... Ads)

There's a lot of animals in the cart... but no tigers or elephants or things like that... just normal pets like cats
and dogs, but they're caged so i can't play with them... I made a few prototype pamphlets on the trip.
Whenever I want to pee, I pee on the cats because I don't like cats... 10:00... I dosed off to sleep.........