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CHAPTER8- Eight hours of train riding

I woke up at 6:00, by the smell of grilled lobster liver with honey mustard gravy fondue...
i thought to myself that I should've get me a VIP ticket... I mean, I have 700,000 and I only
spent 50 cents... what the hell is wrong with me... maybe it's those thoughts that made me used up
80 percent of my brain and the 20 percent is just controlling other stuffs...

Ah... the smell is making me hungrier and hungrier by the moment... I need to sneak in to the VIP cart.
I found a hatchway on the top of the animal cart... but how can I climb up? I know... I stacked all the
cat cage to a tower, and I climbed, took me eight minutes (they keep scratching me... and I
have to carry my suitcase with me...). I opened the latch, and climbed out... with the hatchway still
opened, I took another pee (my morning pee, took 80 seconds) on those cats that I hate so much...
I felt sorry for the dogs though, they have to smell the combination of lobster liver,
honey, mustard,
gravy, cheese, and pee...

I was racing against the wind(of course I closed the hatchway), ducking every tunnel I saw. It reminds me of the "Bye
Bye Bye" video I saw on the $1800 TV in Costco... damn it, I started to think about Charley again... watching
gay porn with his brother, gay porn like: "drive me nuts", "Rubber gear solid: 12 inch dildo", "midget fantasies", "boy toy's story",
"The talented Mr. Ripley", "Who let the dogs out?", and "The Fag gags"... but I burst with laughter when I have one of
those videos fast forwarding with sound in my head...