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So your parents just turned 50...

Be afraid... be very afraid

So your parents just turned 50, you think that's good news? No! After
they turned 50, it's going to be your darkest years... when they say
"someday you're gonna get it young man/woman" they really mean that.
And that don't mean that your kids will treat you how you treat your parents...
the trouble is that your parents are going to get you when they've turned 50.
Just... think that they're aliens or really wise-ass kids.

Aware of anything "cars"...

If one of your parents are driving, you have to talk like a crime scene psychiatrist,
bear with their ideas, or talk them into your idea in a friendly way. Don't talk
mumbo-jumbo, you'll mess up their minds and cause them to black out, that's not
a good thing (in other words, don't get smart with them). Speak in a pleasant tone,
go to hospitals and study how nurses talk. Don't let them get mad, they'll threaten
to kill you.

The best way is to learn to drive as soon as possible, and buy something that can strap
them tightly so they can't open the door just in case.

If you're walking with them, it's best to hold their hands so they can't run off when
they're angry and threatens you that they'll commit suicide. Best to hug them while walking,
or give them piggy back rides, if they asks what you're doing, say "It's because that I love you".

Avoid HUMOR!

Some will eventually loose their humor (mostly on you), let others do the talking, if they're
trying to make a joke, just laugh... you don't want anything to happen.

If you're going somewhere...

There seems to be no way to get rid of them and go to a party or something else.
And it's a bad thing to lie. So, here is the plan (only works for party):

1. you must bring some condoms with you no matter what, it's like a keycard to get out.

2. Call your friends and ask them what kind of food is there, what fun things they'll do...
and inform your parents in advance on what you'll eat, and what you'll do in details, they'll
fall asleep, you wake them, continue, do this a few times until they tell you to "just leave"

3. a must say line "If anything happens, I'll call you."

4. you can go if you hear "Just have fun!"

How to act when they're around...

Remember, they're little kids now, they're tend to run off. You're responsible for them
24/7/4 or 5/12/stop sign! If they're 5 feet away from you, they would be consider as lost.


I might add a few things sooner or later if I thought of it. The main thing of all this is: Just make
yourself look busy, and show them that you care. And if you do, they'll say that you worked too
hard and you should relax, they can take care of it all by themselves.

Therefore, you're FREE!!!


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