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CHAPTER 2- Maur's rerection

While Ovan's studying the California Driver License Handbook in SSR, Maur
is having his 23th rerection already, he couldn't contain himself... he need release!
Since he's sitting far from the teacher's desk, and with everyone paying good
attention to their books, Maur reached left hand in his left pocket, his right hand holding
his book, and rubbed...

After two minutes of rubbing, he jerked his body to waves of pleasure roaming all over
his body. Melissa, his neighbor saw something moving next to her, she looked over and saw that
Maur was faking a seizure, so she laughed.

At this time, Kayhan is working on a musical called "The Little Crotch of Horror",
to be exact, he's working on one of the songs in the musical, "Suddenly Semen".


It's lunchtime, Ovan needs to be in Mr. Millar's room, he have something in his pants that
he wants to show Ovan.

"SOCK IT TO ME!" yelled Ovan.

He was stunned that Mr. Millar have a dented penis...

"Ew..." Ovan's eyes tries to stay off of the dented penis.

"See, I'm not lying..." said Mr. Millar, zipping up, "drop by anytime!"

"I'll try."

Then Ovan disappeared into nowhere, he then appeared in his Spanish class, all covered with sweat.


At home, Ovan logged on, and saw that Sam is online. He thought that it's weird since that Sam's
at football practice. And he left an away message saying that to call him on cell. It's good thing
Ovan asked for his cell. When called, it's a girl's voice...

"What the hell?" thought Ovan.

It IS Sam, But Samantha, that cheerleading girl... but not Samuel, that beginning to be cool for
his 2nd year in high school boy. What the hell??? You mean the Sam I was talking to for the past
week is not Sam?

He chatted with Samantha anyway... and when he's done, he listened from his borrowed from
the San Jose Library and ripped to Windows Media Player "Seussical the Musical" CD:

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Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)
Boil it (we are here)...