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CHAPTER 3- Bayrose and Amber sitting in a tree...

It's lunchtime already, and we haven't seen Bayrose and Amber, where were they?
Better yet, where are they? The last time I saw them would be after the rally,
when they told me I did a good job.

Wait, what's that noise? people are grouping at the quad. A fight on rally day, must
be a good one! So we rushed to see the fight!

While hurrying, something strange is going on, people are not grouping the middle
of the quad, but around the senior tree... what's going on? A radioactive ant?
person committed suicide by hanging? A miracle, Jesus appeared?

"Hey, it's Bayrose and Amber," exclaimed Tommy, "They're having sex!"

It's a miracle alright, in a matter of seconds, a bunch of stuffs happened:

* Bayrose and Amber having sex, by rapidly moving their hands on each other.

* Dan AKA Turbo, took his camera out and snapped a shot.

* Ovan farted and said "Safety"

* Bayrose and Amber realized someone's watching, stopped, looked, shocked, and
fell out of the tree.

* Mike Metz tapped Joel on the shoulder

* Mrs. Prasch rushing out but got hit by Bayrose and Amber.

* Mr. Neary scratching his balls.

* Students cusses at the site.

* Bayrose and Amber were safe, rolled off Mrs. Prasch and landed on the seniors'
backpacks. Mrs. Prasch had few injuries on the leg and head, but she's safe.


Bayrose and Amber had a call to their parents by Mrs. Prasch, what she said was this:

"Your son\daughter was having a picnic in the senior tree. They fell and landed on me,
no, he\she's ok, but they should be careful next time, OK? Don't worry about my wound,
what I worried about is if that would happen again.

(from Bayrose' mom's conversation) Alright, just make sure this wouldn't happen again, ok?
ok, bye.

(from Amber's dad's conversation) Building barbwires around? Are you sure? You'll
get parents sign it... ok, I'll inform Mr. Neary about this, thank you, bye bye."

Bayrose was grounded for 1 minute, and Amber was forced to make 50 soufflés.


After school, Ovan went to San Jose Library and borrowed "Annie Hall", he's going
to watch and try to understand and laugh at it.

And then he went to Food-4-Less and complaining to himself about how the Stitch piñata
is bigger than the Lilo piñata, and the Simba piñata have too little mane and he looks like
he's wearing lipsticks.