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Real-life fiction



4/24/02- content could be disturbing... i'm serious!


Harry Potter and Mary Poppins

9/5/02, 9/7/02, 9/21/02, 9/26/02

I got this idea of writing a story that's based
on real people, but the story's partly true and false...
It's a great idea for a reality show but they haven't
thought of it yet.

CHAPTER 1- Kayhan's dream...

CHAPTER 2- Maur's rerection

CHAPTER 3- Bayrose and Amber sitting in a tree...

CHAPTER 4- Ovan had done it again

CHAPTER 5- The Great Band Experience


CHAPTER 7- A New System...

CHAPTER 8- Christmas Bells are RINGING

CHAPTER 9- Mystery guy on answering machine

CHAPTER 10- What car show?

CHAPTER 11- Wigs and Boxers... FOLLIES!

CHAPTER 12- Happy Valen-teen Day

CHAPTER 14- The Producers

CHAPTER 15- Bye Bye Birdie

CHAPTER 16- Talent Show

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