
I thought about a lot of things today... but I forgot...
stupid shortterm memory... (sighs)... Oh yeah...

You see a lot of people stereo-typing themselves at the mall...
counter people or waiters smoking outside at break time, ghettorian
wanna-bes hang out, kids run around, teenage girls goes shopping
bitch style, some of those teenage girls are store clarks at those
clothing stores because they could get discounts...

people stereo-typing their own selves is one of the highest comedy, (on my list that is)...
it is the hardest thing to do... I mean, look at that Carrot Head guy... he's stereo-typing
white people!

*fresh just thought up*- heheh... my page having this black background and white font
got it's own reason... because I want colorblind people to see it as well, but look at the links...
that would be pretty hard to see... oh well...


I thought up some jokes lately... here they are:

there was a prank bomb threat at our school on 4/10/02, and I made a
joke saying that there's someone calling in the bathroom saying that there's a
bomb in there, and that person have explosive diarrhea.

I like dead people 'cause they're dead already... (think on this one)


here are some not funny mind bending thoughts: (email me if you have the answers)

There's no gravity in space. When you ride a roller coaster, you can feel the
gravitational pull or G force... if there's a roller coaster built in space, can you still
feel it? do you get dizzy? can everyone ride it? and do you feel like you're moving really fast?

If science is so advance tomorrow... that we can actually see atoms on TV, and if electrons are
moving so fast, it's faster than all possible frame rates, will it be showing snap shots or just
blurred out? or it's even faster than our own human eye framerate...
(I guess that it's 70 frames per second) try looking at the nearest objects while in a car.


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