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There are a number of tools which can be used to produce an effective website, each offering their own particular benefits.

The following are a few examples


HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language) is the system that underpins the World Wide Web. It tells the web browsers how to display text and graphics, and creates the links between Web Pages.

HTML and web browsers have developed in tandem, driven forward by the rivalry between browser manufacturers, this has led to better browsers with greater levels of functionality.

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Java Script

Java Script was developed by Netscape Corporation specifically for use in the construction of web pages.

It is a programming language, but not one that can be used to create full-function stand alone applications. It is designed to be used in conjunction with HTML its code is intermingled with normal HTML code, and almost all of its interaction with the screen and the user is through HTML's facilities.

Java Script shares some features with Java, but is significantly different in many ways and the two should not be confused.

Java script enables you to :

bulletPlay audio
bulletCheck information entered into forms (validation and verification)
bulletAnimate graphics and text








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Java Applets











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Interactive Web Pages








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