Policies of ze Punga People Party!
Here we have our policies, if you have a sagestion on a policy you think is needed, i would hate to hear from you, but someone else would love to, so send it into this e-mail address. petmannz@yahoo.co.nz
- GE- This is a big one for the party, we are fermly against it in our foods (especerlly turnips) and our choads, for they can take human form and try to anal probe everyone. All scientist dissagre with the choad theroy.
- Health- We believe that we need to give out cannabus to every patiant so they won't care that they are getting the worst medical treatment in the western world.
- Education- We argue that we need more smart macking machine for every class, so we can cut cost in this area. Plus teachers can't complane because they will get high paying matinance jobs. Now all we have to do is invent such a machine...
- Sport- We beleve that the altimate sport shall be TheterSports. That and smacking Munchkins down a large hill, while they throw pigs at biggins'(and thats for the warm up!).