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OKAY this page is to tell everyone how much i HATE those lil pop princesse posers.

okay well for starters...i hate them! I cant stand them and there crappy songs and shit! I also cant stand all the little teenie boppers dancing round like, oh my god, she is so cool, oh my god im so cool!

Im sorry but i dont have many good points to support my arguments, but just look at britany for exmple.... one word comes to mind... SAD .

Also Avrile, i like some of her songs, (key word there SOME) but come on, she spends most of her time defending her self against people saying 'your musics pop' well DUH, her music is pop, as if its punk/rock or what ever she wants to call it! But fuck it if she really likes singing and stuff, would she really care what other people say???Or what kind of music she sings!! hmmm makes ya think there hay! She just wants the image.

And another sad, sad thing is all the little avrile/britany suporters running around dressing like them (like what????seriusly, who dresses like other people just coz they r famous!. I would just like to say PEOPLE ITS ABOUT THE MUSIC! NOT THE IMAGE!

....keep it real folks!

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