AUGUST 23,2003
1 year 7 months and ummm... a week!! praying
for the best of it and may God shine his light
down onto the path we may take... bumpy road
this is... but may Christ lead us to destiny...
JULY 16,2003
...its the same thing said every anniversary...
...the countless times weve been thru troubles...
...but in the end, we always good again...
...what does that tell you...
...were we destined for each other...
...well, lets hope so and only time will tell...
... happy 1 year and 1/2 ...
JUNE 20,2003
...aLL wEnt gOne wIthIn a bLinK oF aN eYe...
JUNE 16,2003
...hApPy 1 yEaR aNd uMmMMmMMmm uhHHhh, cOunTinG: 5 mOntHs!!!...
...sWeetIe, wE wiLL bE oKaY, rIgHt?...
...wId pRayErs LiKe aLwaYs...
...yEah, wE wiLL bE aLriGht...
MAY 2003
...I LOVE YOU...
sweetie, happy new year... and happy one yr...
words juss can't express all that i feel... thru
the ups and downs... what can i tell you... we've
been thru so much... and each and every time we
argue or are displeased wid each other one way or
another... it juss hurts so bad... each and every
time and then... i thank GOD for u still being
here... it draws me closer and closer to you... it
has been a great yr... hun... it's our one yr...
from time to time... it may seem long... i crak up
everytime sum one says ish been long... cuz i've
always seen it still starting... the beginning...
it hasn't been long... it's only the beginning...
so many struggles... yet we shall overcome these
obstacles through prayers, our GOD and each
other... together... smooch... muah!!! happy one yr.
oCtoBeR 16 2002
hApPy 9 mOnthS gErbEr!!!!
oCtoBeR 18 2002
hApPy 21st bIrtHdaY cHicKen bUtT... mUaH