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Bah, what did I tell you??! Now you must suffer the consequences!!
It's also very long. Sorry folks!

*Full name: Anna Lynn VW(I'm not putting my full last name... you people know it anyway)
*Birth Date/Place: 11 September, 1984 in West Jordan, UT
*Age: 17
*Location: Georgia
*Parents/Siblings: A mommy and a daddy, and I'm the oldest of five kids.
*Nicknames: ? um, weirdo?
*Height: 5'4"
*Eye Color: dark green w/ a tiny bit of brown
*Hair color: ravishing brunette
*Fave TV Show: Most everything on Cartoon Network, and I'll watch MTV, VH1 and MuchMusic when they actually play MUSIC! *grumbles about excess non-music programs*
*Fave movie(s): Um... A Beautiful Mind, pretty much any Disney film, The Matrix, and uh, probably some more I can't think of.
*Fave Board/Card Game: Phase 10 and Uno... the longest card games known to man...
*Fave Magazine: don't read 'em
*Fave food: fruit, some chocolate... trying to cut back.. ^_^
*Fave Ice Cream(s): Mint Chocolate Chip, Moose Tracks
*Fave subject/class:Literature
*Least Favorite subject/class:any and all mathematics >_<
*Fave thing to drink:Sprite! Fruit juice!Sugarrrrr!!
*Favorite Soundtrack:Ummm, City of Angels is the only one I have
*Fave Weekend thing: extra sleep
*Best advice or tip: Don't burn chocolate chips..... they really stink.
*Fave singer/group: 311, The Aquabats, MxPx, New Found Glory, Instant Winner, Inside Out, tons more but I'm not going to list 'em.
*Favorite Holiday: my birthday (whoa,....I just now realized the significance of that... O_O), how about Christmas? ^_^;;
*Favorite color: Bluuuue!!
*Favorite shampoo/ conditioner: whatever's in the shower
*Person who knows the most about you: probably my sister, Stephanie
*Loudest person you know: Jake Weathers.
*Craziest or silliest: besides me? Tori.
*Fave friends to hang with: I have a lot of friends.... 'cause I'm really popular you know.... but I'm not going to list 'em all, I'd leave someone out.
*If I could meet one person it would be: Elijah Wood, or Brett Scallions *fans self*
====================== the crush side ======================
*Do you have a crush?: psh.... I'm not answering that.
*Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?:NO! Mwahaha, I am SINGLE!
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex you first notice: Their eyes, then their face, than their hair, then their composure, and then I begin the personality analysis.
*Who was your first crush?: Michael Copeland... *sighs* the memories...
*Have you ever been in love?: Heck if I know.
=============== The Past Side ================
*What do you remember most about this year: Dunno, everything's lumped together.
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: I guess a couple of friends I don't talk to as much anymore.
*What's the first thing you thought of when you got up this morning?:I have got to clean my room....
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago?: Shoot, I was the hippest chick when I was 13 *rolls eyes*
*If you could go back in time would you?: sure
====================== The Future Side ======================
*Where do I see myself in ten years?:*~Hopefully~* married, have a college degree, and living comfortably in the subrubs somewhere.
*Future son names?:Donovan, Adam, Ammon, Seth, Jospeh, Mark, John, Matthew
*Future daughter names: Lacey Gwen, Adia Nadine, Shaundra Yvonne, Zoë Marie
*What is your dream occupation: I think it'd be cool to be a criminal psychologist, and work for the FBI
*What is your dream car?:Mustang or Eclipse
*Where do you plan on living after college?: I don't really know... Utah maybe, or I might come back to Georgia
*Describe your dream wedding: Heh, I could have the reception in a barnyard for all I care. All that matters to me is that I find the right guy and we get married in a temple.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: YEAH..... leave Teddy out of this....
*What do you wear to bed?: A sexy over-sized T-shirt along with a tempting pair of pj bottoms..... growl...
*If you could dye your hair one color what would it be?: Brown!
*On a scale from one to ten -- how romantic are you?: hmm..... heh, dunno! an 8 maybe...
*Any piercings?: My ears. I live on the wild side.
*What's on the walls of your room?: posters n pictures
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: They don't call me Anna the Avenger for nothin'...
===================== The Feelings Side =====================
*Do you believe in yourself?: yeah, somewhat
*Worst Feeling in the world: hurting someone close to you. *teardrop*
*Best Feeling: getting a great big hug!! ^_^
*Do you have motion sickness?: shooot no!
*What religion are you?: EM....Eastside Mormon...
*One thing I'd change about myself: my nose.... it's two degrees off...
*Are you a health freak?: Eh, I try to be.
============== The Left Over Crazy Side ========================
*What's on your mouse pad?: blackness
*How many rings before you answer the phone?: 2, just so the name will register on Caller ID
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog?: NO thank goodness!!
*How many homes have you lived in?: 2
*How many schools have you gone to: 3
*Words or phrases you over use: 'like', 'whatever', 'Sparky', 'For the love of Pete'
*Do you get along with your parents?: ...... working on it....
*Favorite towns to chill in: Atlanta
*Thunderstorms - cool/not cool?: as long as there's no funnel coming out of it, I don't care
*Roller Coasters - cool/not cool?: Frickin awesome!! Whoohoo!
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: Chocolate!
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?: Cover college tuition for the next four years, pay tithing, by cds, get a new drum set, clothes, decent car, and if there's any left over I might as well rent an apt.
*Favorite cereal: Golden Grams
*Something you'd like to try: SNOWBOARDING! SKATBOARDING! BUNGEE JUMPING! I don't know about sky diving.... we'll see...