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Everything you ever wanted to hear from me and then some...


Don't forget your notepad, kids, or your happy face.

I'm gonna speak out to the masses.... my voice will be heard.... my quest for political domination WILL be realized! HA HA HA no. But I will be ranting, raving, or just rambling on things that bother me, excite me, or interest me.... to the point of exerting the engery required to put in on here at least. And I guess I ought to put some sort of disclaimer here.... I'm very opinionated and won't apologize for what I think... so yeah.
DISCLAIMER: The following thoughts are the thoughts of Anna, and are not affiliated with JCHS or any other person in any way unless they actually come out and say they agree...but ONLY under those circumstances. If you are offended or upset by any of these remarks, go get a tissue and get over over it.

Kitchen Gadgets ||| Scrub Brushes ||| Gumball Houses ||| Finger Snappers ||| Ice Cream Magic