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How to go to Hell

What to do to go to hell >>Absolutely Nothing!
-We have already sinned enough to deserve hell.

-Jesus said, "he that doesn't believe on me is condemned."

-The place of condemned sinners? Hell.

-Hell is described as " a place of torment over darkness, and weeping and gnashing of teeth." Not much fun huh?

-But you dont have to go!

-Since God loves us SOOO much, he provided us the way to be saved from hell!!

-Jesus said "he that comes to me i will not cast out"

-"for whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

-Why not take Jesus at his word?

-It's so easy to be saved from hell, why do so many people reject it?

-It is not like God is forcing you to submit to him or he will send you to hell. If everyone would know what he has done for them, they would want to submit to God.

-After all, he created the world, and you and I. He knows everything about you! he loves you SOOO much and he wants to have a personal relationship with you.

-God is waiting with open arms for you.

How to be saved from hell- asking Jesus to come into your heart and save you.

-His death washed away all our sins so we DONT have to suffer for them in hell.

-It doesn't matter how bad of a sinner you think you are, sin is sin. EVERYONE has sinned.

-Which will you choose: (1)Turn your back on Jesus and suffer in Hell? or (2) Believe on him, ask him into your heart, and be saved from Hell?

It's your decision.

So, how do you go to hell? Simple. Reject Jesus, turn your back on his free gift, and ignore everything you just read.
If you have any more questions, IM me at AmusedOne3607 or email me.;-)
