my Aussie sister

Jean-Luc, Alan, Claire & Maria
( Mary ) .

In the year 2000,when I was using a chatprogram
witch was very popular at that time
and brandnew for me,
introduced herself to me.
Because Mary found me and saw
we had simulairy lifes
and our pictures looked almost alike
we became close friends and sisters.., ;0)

Although we live so far apart
we are so nearby.
We have since then eachothers
home addresses and phonenumbers
and are eachothers householdnames..,
In that same year 2000
the Olympics Games were in Sidney-Australia
where Mary does live with her
beautyful family.
She phonend me and asked me
what my favorite sport is..,

and before I knew it
I received an Olympic Coin from 2000
to remind me of the year that we became friends.
Since than a lot had happend
and our simulair lifes became unsimulair
But we stil kept in touch
with eachother...

In 2001 my youngest son was born
and Mary phonend me
in the hospital to congrat me.
She lived with my pregnancy
and was so happy all went just great.
The children grow on as our friendship grow

But than there was a tragic time..,
I knew what Mary had to tell me
when she called me on November 11 -
but I let her speak..,
Jean-Luc was crashed in an accident
with is motorcicle..,
age 42 .....
Sadness,mourning strugling and fighting
to go on with her life

without her soulmate,the love of her life..,
We kept in touch and I tried to comfort her in the way I knew ..,
Keeping strong for the children and accepting her new life..,
Mary surfived it so well and reached the top of the mountain.

Mary does now some Tai Chi and lessons
to get a job to help young ones
who had a rough time.
Now she is painting again and write poems.

Her children are okay to and do their best in school
to make their mother proud
and their beloved father ..,
Because I admire the strenght of you my friend I have created this page just for you and your children....
but for others to help them with their loss..,

Love you my few months older twinsis......
Hugs from yours truely
your Dutch Nut,