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Ok you guys, this is where i give my love to people who are a big deal in my life. They're in no order, but you're all important to me. Much love!

Venessa, also known as Nik, Nessa, Kali (i think) and she is the brains behind this operation. she made this website and she is a genius! She's really cool. she's gorgeus and has guys constantly drooling over her. they want her body. oh yeah! anyway, she's a really talented writer,singer,actor,everything. so, let's all love on Nessa. "have you hugged your Nik today?"

Heidi, the one who i will forever be able to joke with about bananas. what's sad about this phrase is that the joke is not perverted at all. it's completly clean. anywho, Heidi is my dawg who is in drama and is really friggin' funny and she listens to good music. I will never forget that fatefull evening at a football game where we both knew the meaning of pants.

Meggie M. is my dancin' queen. she loves emo and has a temper. DO NOT MAKE HER ANGRY!!! you've been warned.she's a genius and is surrounded by morons. her beleifs are often misunderstood and it frightens the poor little sheep of Turner High. but i wouldn't have her any other way. she's an awesome listener who always has good advice: "F**k 'em"

Stephanie L. is HYPER and funny. she's a sweet lil' punker chick and she's boy crazy. she falls in love about once a week. i think she's getting her braces off soon, so i'm sure she'll flirt even more. hehe. i love 'er.

Tara is the awesomest talor i've ever known. you dream it, she stitches it. she's really cool. i wish i was cool like Tara. she has a really cool attitude and she's pretty and she sings really, really, really good!

Clarisa is my fun friend who likes punky stuff too. she always has a smile and advice for my attitude when i'm moody. she sleeps in english class, and she likes boys a lot also.

Becca is awesome. she's a cool girl who has her head on straight. she likes the same music as me and she's a tomboy. She likes veggie tales and was my partner in driver's ed. she did a good job. i didn't.

Meg S is my hyper little REALLY BOY LOVING friend. she loves music and people. she's into theatre and art she's my pervertered friend. she loves to party and i know she owns a bra with zebra print on it! :)

Matt is an awesome musician and he's real funny. he has a peirced titty and he's into theatre. he's smart and gets good grades and from an angle, we look related.

Monica is the GREATEST guitarest i know, and she can sing too! she's funny and can pass an imaginary joint and i'll never know. she is a sexy mexican and is all cool and stuff. I think she wants to peirce her lip, and if she does, she'll have more guys drooling over her than she already does.

James is my dawg and we talk about stuff that makes us mad. he's my friend and he plays awesome music,too. he's really funny and he likes to write and he's into theatre and stuff. yeah.

katie is my cute little eccentric bubby who is hype but fun to talk to. she's there for me and i love her sooooooooo much! she's got this thing with sand and purple pockets or something like that...

Aunt Bekcy is my auntie by honor and is always there for me whenever i need her. she always listens and gives the best advice. i love her soooo much! she's a great sexy momma and she can sing too!

Katie Be. she's a sweetheart and i loves her! i havn't got a chance to get as close to her as i want, bu i loves her anyway. she's fun and stuff! she likes theatre,too! and she's fun and talented!

Robby is my funny dude friend who is big and scary.

Eddy is my funny dude friend who is even bigger and scarier.

Jfkar is neither big or scary, but he's a genuis/lunatic.

Lauren is funny and dememted. i love her sense of humor. it messes with people's heads. hehe.i all love her and stuff. i still want to get to know her better,too.

Shane is my emo/metal friend. i don't know him as well, but he's smart and cool.

Ok, i tried to mix these up to the best of my ability, and in remembering the order of people, i may have left you out. just sign the guestbook and let me know.