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Ok, well this page was just waiting for my info... here i go....



body: my boday is chunky style, but damnit it's hot! ;)

hey. i'm a dork. i'm obessesd with a lot of things. like ska, fiveironfrenzy, jthm comics or any thing else by Johnen Vasquez. the Jersy Trilogy rocks! and stuff like that. I'm really big on Save Ferris and am on the street team. I'm also on fanlisting. If you want to be on either one, check out the links page. also, check out my Save Ferris pics page! this band kicks major buttocks!

Ok, me-ness. Well, i'm usually a very hyper and happy idividual - if i'm not pissed off...which happens a lot...well maybe not so much now b/c i'm not a junior any more. i'm currently looking to be in a band. i'm big on vocals. when i'm not singing, i'm not happy. i hate people who hurt my friends. if you hurt one of my friends, prepare to DIEEEEEEE! more later...right now, i have to go. i love all of you!

i'm a hardcore nerd and i love, uh, stuff. i love food a lot. food is my friend. i want to be food when i grow up. Ok, not really. bye.