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The Twelfth Insane Bet

More Fights


“Get a room, why don’t you?” Harry said angrily as he looked over at his two best friends. Hermione was sitting in Ron’s lap, and they were in the middle of one of their now-frequent snog sessions. Hermione giggled-very unlike her, this whole relationship thing was doing strange things to her brain-and Ron turned bright red.

Harry couldn’t decide whether Ron and Hermione dating was a good thing or a bad thing. One the one hand, they were fighting much less now. But on the other hand, they were always calling each other things like “sweetie” and “honey” and making kissy faces and snogging in the common room. It was very unsettling, if not downright disgusting.

But he wouldn’t have it any other way. They were both so much happier when they were together. There was much less tension and awkwardness now that they had finally stopped being so thick and admitted they liked each other. He just didn’t want to have to watch all of their lovey-dovey crap.


It was the night before Christmas break. Hermione was studying, and Ron was sitting nearby waiting for her to finish.

“‘Mione, why are you studying the day before the holiday? You don’t have another test for a couple of weeks.” Ron said, trying to get her to stop studying to they could do. . .certain things.

“Ron, this is not just about the tests we have when we come back. I need to study as much as I can for the N.E.W.T.S. After all, they are the tests that determine what the rest of our future will be.”

“But can’t you study tomorrow?” Ron said, leaning towards her to give her a kiss. She turned her face so his lips hit her cheek.

“That’s always the way it is with you. Wanting to just go have fun instead of doing what’s important,” she burst out, irritated at the interruption to her reading.

“You don’t think that I am important?”

“That’s not what I meant,” she replied with a sigh. “It’s just that sometimes we have to do what we have to do.”

“But the tests aren’t for months! You can take an hour break from studying!”

“I can’t Ron! It’s really important to read. I thought you would have figured that out during our bet.”

“Well, I thought you would have learned that there is more to life than books!”

“I know there’s more to life than books!”

“I’m not so sure you do. I love you ‘Mione, and I will always make time for you. But if you can’t take time out of your studying for me, I’m not sure I can be with you.” He walked up to his dormitory in silence, Hermione staring at him with a shocked look on her face.


“I’m so glad that we’re all staying here for Christmas together. After all, it’s our last one at Hogwarts,” Harry said at breakfast the next morning, clueless to their latest argument.

“About that. . .” Ron started hesitantly. “I think I’m going to go back to the Burrow.”

“But why?” Harry said, clearly surprised.

“I just feel like going home. I don’t really want to stay here.” Ron cast a glance at Hermione.

“Oh, so you two had a fight,” Harry stated, catching on. “Can’t you get over it? You always do.”

“Not this time.” Ron said coldly, making Hermione cringe.


She sat in the common room. It was Christmas day, one of her favorite days of the year, but she was far from happy. She really missed Ron, and she couldn’t stop thinking about him. For the smartest witch in her year, she had really been an idiot. He was the most important thing in her life, and she shut him out in favor of books. A ruddy stupid thing to do. She was going to have to figure out a way to fix it. She decided to try a letter; she took out her quill, ink, and parchment, and began to write.


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