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The Thirteenth Insane Bet



Dear Ron,

I am so sorry that I made you think I care about studying more than I care about you. This is far from true. I love you more than anything in the world, and I can’t believe I was stupid enough to take you for granted. I know I’m always talking about how the N.E.W.T.S. determine our whole future, but that’s not true. It doesn’t matter how I score on the test, or what job I get. The thing that really determines my future is whether I’m with you, and if you’re not there, I have no future at all. I love you. Please forgive me.



Ron was sitting with his family near their Christmas tree. Everyone was tearing open presents; he could hardly see anyone through the flying pieces of wrapping paper. Their house was so full of life and happiness. He felt like an onlooker, sitting miserably on the sidelines. He loved Hermione and he missed her terribly. But if she was always going to put studying first, he couldn’t be with her. It would slowly drive him insane.

He reluctantly decided to start opening his gifts. He got the usual: candy, sweets, and sugar. Just the way he liked it. But it wasn’t enough to bring up his mood. Until later that night, when he saw a small owl carrying a letter land on the windowsill. He crept up to it, trying not to get noticed by his family. He didn’t want to deal with them right now. As he got closer, he could see that it was to him. It didn’t say who it was from. He brought it back to his chair and pulled open the seal. His eyes widened as he read the letter.

When he was done, he read it again. Then he muttered a good-bye to his family, got up from his seat, and made his way to the broom closet.


Hermione was sitting in the common room, feeling extremely lonely due to the fact that Harry was off somewhere flying and no one else she cared about had stayed. It didn’t really matter, though. The only one she really wanted to be there was Ron, and it didn’t seem he was going to come for her anytime soon.

But then, even the smartest of witches must eat their words sometimes. She looked over to the window, and saw her favorite red-head sweep through it. She stood there in shock, trying to process that he was really standing there.

“I got your letter,” Ron said, breaking the silence.

“You came?” Hermione stuttered, still very much surprised at his fancy entrance.

“Yes, I came. I needed to know whether you meant what was in the letter or not.”

“Of course I meant it. Merlin, Ron, I love you so much, and I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me like this,” Hermione pleaded.

“I love you too ‘Mione. I came to say that I’m really sorry about this whole thing. I kind of overreacted.”

‘Kind of?’ Hermione said to herself, deciding it would not be best at this point not to say it out loud. To him, she added, “I’m sorry too. I know I take you for granted sometimes and spend too much of my time studying. I shouldn’t do that.”

“Thanks. So, ‘Mione, can you forgive me for running away?”

“I don’t know,” she said with an evil grin on her face. “You’ll have to give me a good reason.”

“Oh, really?” he said as he pulled her to him and gave her an extremely passionate kiss, leaving her breathless for a few moments. 

“Well,” she said after she had composed herself, “I think I can forgive you. And Happy Christmas.”

“Happy Christmas, ‘Mione,” he replied with a smile.

“Oh, Ron, I have your Christmas present for you.” she pulled a small gift out of her robes.

Ron opened it, and saw a book on the history of Quidditch.

“Another book? Do you ever stop?” he said sarcastically.

“Oh, shut up,” she said playfully as she gently hit him on the arm.


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