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The Fourteenth Insane Bet



“No way! Viktor Krum is not the best Quidditch player playing today!” Ron argued.

“Oh yes he is. You’re still just jealous of him.” Hermione said.

“Well, that too, but Gary Green is definitely the best. He can do the Wronski Feint better than Krum, and he has the sense to wait and catch the snitch until his team is less than 150 down.”

“You have a point there, but Victor is ten years younger and he can catch the snitch much faster in a game.”

“But speed doesn’t matter if you still lose like he did in the World Cup.”

“That was just one game. He’s won loads of other ones.”

The conversation continued like this for several minutes until even Harry was getting bored. It had been really weird lately, with Hermione talking to Ron about Quidditch more than he did it. And since Christmas, Ron was reading what he needed to for his homework instead of relying on Hermione. Something about wanting her to not have to spend as much time studying.

Harry tuned back into the conversation a few seconds before they had to leave for Transfiguration.

“Fine. You win. Krum is the best Quidditch player right now. So long as that doesn’t make him attractive,” Ron seceded.

“I was never attracted to him!” Hermione defended. When she saw the grin on Ron’s face and realized that he wasn’t serious, she added, “but you never know.” Ron didn’t look so happy after that.

“I’m kidding, Ron.”

“I knew that,” he said, and then he kissed her.

“As much as I’m enjoying this, we have to go to class now,” Harry said dryly.

“You go on ahead. We’ll come in a minute.” Hermione said.

‘Hermione, risking to be late for class,’ Harry thought. ‘Ron has really changed her.’

He walked out of the common room just as Hermione started to kiss Ron again.


They were all sitting in Transfiguration class listening to McGonagall. Or rather, pretending to listen to McGonagall. She was going on about the methods for turning a desk into an armchair. The only two who were actually paying any attention were Hermione and Ron. Yes, Ron. He was actually listening in class.

“Now you may try it.” Professor McGonagall said, causing most of the class to come back to reality from their various daydreams.

The spell Comodo could be heard throughout the room with varying results. Harry’s desk had turned into a chair, but still had a hard wooden surface. Seamus had managed to turn his into wood-colored armchair. Neville just had a bigger desk. Hermione, of course, had gotten a perfect, comfy, red armchair on her first try. And, to everyone’s surprise, so had Ron. He looked at his chair in shock, and after a few moments, sat down in it with a grin.

“Good job Ron! That’s the first time you’ve gotten it right on the first try!” 

“Hey! I’ve gotten spells the first try before!”

Hermione just looked at him.

“Okay, so I haven’t, but still!”

Hearing all the commotion, Professor McGonagall came over to check on their progress.

“Well done, Mr. Weasley. I’m pleasantly surprised. And you too, Miss Granger. Twenty points to Gryffindor.”

Ron just grinned some more. Hermione decided to ignore her own armchair and go sit on Ron’s lap. Professor McGonagall had to have noticed, but she turned away quickly and seemed to forget what she saw.


Later that day, in Potions class, Snape was in a particularly bad mood. He was yelling even more than usual, and he had a just-give-me-a-reason-to-flunk-you look.

“Weasley!” he snapped. “What are the properties of the cespedillo herb?”

“Um, it strengthens the potion that you add it to?”

“That is correct Mr. Weasley. I suppose I won’t take any points off.” Snape said with a disappointed look on his face.

“How did you know that?” Hermione whispered to him.

“I read it in Moste Potente Potions.” he whispered back.

Hermione giggled-yes, giggled-causing Snape to look their way.

“Five points from Gryffindor.”

“So close!” Ron muttered.


AN-“Comodo” means comfortable in Spanish.


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