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The Last Insane Bet



Ron and Hermione sat next to each other in the common room, flirting without fighting-at least not too much-for a change. They were alone, as everyone else was home for the Easter Holidays.

“You know, Hermione, you never told me what you would have made me do if I had quit our bet.”

“I hadn’t really thought of anything yet,” she replied vaguely.

“Oh, come on, I’m sure you at least had one little idea.”

“Well. . .perhaps,” she gave in reluctantly.

“What was it?”

“I was thinking of making you do your homework without my help for the rest of the year. I thought maybe it would teach you some responsibility,” she said firmly.

“Hermione! That’s really cruel!” he retorted with a playful air.

Deviously, she told him, “Not compared to my other idea.”

“And what would that be?”

She gave him an evil grin, and said “You would have to watch Krum and me snog for one minute.”

“WHAT! That is beyond cruel! Wait a minute, do you still have feelings for him?” he yelled as he jumped up from the couch, anger in his eyes.

“No, you idiot. I was just kidding.”

“I knew that,” he said sheepishly.

“Honestly, it’s so easy to get you all worked up. Stop being so jealous! You’ve got me, and I’m not going to leave you for Krum or my books.”

“Wait, you and your books? How would that work? Kinky.” He said, his mind taking the not-so-innocent route.

“Oh stuff it. That’s not what I meant and you know it,” she said with a laugh.

“Anyways,” he said after both of their laughter had subsided, “neither of those was quite as good as the task that I had in mind.”

“Oh, you mean not letting me study for the N.E.W.T.S? I don’t think that’s nearly as bad.”

“That’s not actually the thing I had in mind,” he said with a grin.

“Well, Mr. Weasley, what did you really come up with?”

“It involved a private game of Quidditch, just you and me, and. . .a slight lack of robes.”

“Ron! You are such a pervert!”

“I know, but you love me anyways.”

“I don’t know why, but I do,” she said with a smile as she leaned in to kiss him.

Harry, who had been quietly watching the exchange for several minutes, left with a grin on his face.

‘It’s really a good thing Hermione never gave up,’ he thought, ‘I would have never been able to look at the school brooms in the same way again.’



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