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The Second Insane Bet

Disclaimer: I know, I know, it’s all JKR’s. Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?

The Bet


Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on their way to Potions the next day. Harry and Ron were talking about Quidditch. Nonstop. It had been nearly 10 minutes, and Hermione was getting rather bored.

“Oh, can’t you talk about Quidditch while I’m reading or something? Honestly, I can’t stand to have to listen to you two talk about it all the time. It’s very irritating.”

“If we do, will you stop talking about homework so much?”

“I don’t talk about homework that much.”

Ron gave her a look that quite clearly said he didn’t believe her.

“Well, homework is important.”

“And Quidditch isn’t?”

“Not really”

She knew right away that she had said the wrong thing. Ron’s face was turning almost as red as his hair in anger. She doubted she would go unharmed if she weren’t one of Ron’s friends. As it was, it looked like he was having a pretty tough job containing himself.


“I doubt it. But I bet you would be grateful if you took my advice and stopped talking about Quidditch long enough to at least read your school assignments,” Hermione countered at a yell.

“You’re on,” Ron said with a sneer, “I’ll give up Quidditch for a whole month and read some books if you skip reading for the same amount of time and go practice Quidditch with Harry.”

“Now wait a minute Ron,” Harry interrupted. “We need you on the house team. You can’t just quit. And besides, I’m sure Hermione doesn’t want to join our practices. They’re really not much fun unless you have to get ready for a game.”

“Fine then, Hermione will take my place in our next match. She can be the official Keeper,” Ron said stubbornly, almost completely disregarding that Harry had even spoken as he stared at Hermione.

“That’s not quite what I meant. . .” Harry replied weakly.

“Too bad, I think it’s a great idea.” Ron said.

“But-“ Harry tried to say, hoping against all hope he could talk Ron out of this.

“Stuff it, Harry.” Ron told him.

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like talking him out of it was going to be an option. He shut his mouth, praying Hermione had some ancestor who played Quidditch really well, and had passed the talent onto Hermione without her knowing it. With Hermione’s pride, she probably wouldn’t turn down the dare. He was stuck with her.

“As appealing as it sounds to not have to listen to your talk about Quidditch for a month, there is one slight flaw in your plan.” Hermione said after a few moments thought. “If I can’t read, there’s no way I can do my homework. I refuse to flunk my classes just because of some silly bet.”

‘Thank Merlin,’ Harry thought. ‘Maybe she won’t agree.’

“Then you can read just what you need to for your classes,” Ron reluctantly decided

At Hermione’s smile, he quickly added, “And I’ll be personally making sure that you are only reading your homework.”

Hermione’s smile quickly disappeared. He was smarter than she thought to realize she could have read whatever she wanted and just said it was for school. She still wanted to stay with the bet though.

“Alright then, I’ll do it.” Hermione declared.

‘No! I thanked Merlin too soon!’ Harry thought. ‘She’s agreed!’

“So no reading for me for a month, and I’ll be joining the Quidditch team,” Hermione said.

“And I won’t play any Quidditch. I’ll spend the extra time reading,” Ron added.

She reached out to shake his hand and suddenly pulled back.

“Wait! What if one of us backs down before the month is up?” Hermione asked.

“Then the quitter will have to do one task given to her by the other person.”


“What do you mean her? How do you know you won’t be the one to back down?”

“Because I just won’t.”

“You are so narcissistic!”

“Yes, well, I don’t really know what that means, but I’m not it!”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, that’s why you need to read more! It means you have an abnormally large head.”

“As much as I’m enjoying listening to this,” Harry said sarcastically, “Please just agree on the thing and let’s get going. We don’t want to be late for potions.”

“Alright then, do we have a bet?” Hermione asked.

“You’re on.” Ron, shaking his hand with Hermione’s. And, in the wizarding world, that magically sealed their contract. That was it. He turned towards the dungeons and began walking, shortly followed by Hermione.

‘This is going to be the longest month of my life,’ Harry thought as he slowly followed them down the hall.


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