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The Seventh Insane Bet

The Gift


Ron sat in Potions class the next Friday thinking about his last fight with Hermione. He really wanted to find a way to make it up to her, but he couldn’t figure out how. He hated the silent treatment. It was torture to have her sit right next to him as still as a statue, refusing to talk to him. It was even worse during this particular subject, because he had to put up with Snape in addition to it. He really wanted to find a way to get her to talk again. It had only been a few days since their fight, but he could tell that she wouldn’t be forgiving him very soon. He had tried to tell her he was sorry several times, but she just ignored him and walked away. There had to be another way to tell her, a way that she’d listen to.

‘Her birthday’s on Tuesday,’ he though to himself. ‘I could get her a really nice birthday present and attach a note to it. But what should I get?’

“Mr. Weasley,” a voice said, snapping Ron’s mind back into the real world. “What do you get when you add a bezoar to a Sleep Drought?”

“Umm, it makes you fall asleep?” Ron said, praying he was at least a little close to answering Snape’s question. Hermione gave him a disappointed look. He swore in his head.

“No, Mr. Weasley, the potion explodes. I expect you to be awake and paying attention during my class. Twenty points from Gryffindor.”

“Bloody bastard,” Ron muttered under his breath.

“What did you say?” Snape said, glaring at him.

“Nothing, sir.” Ron answered. As Snape began to talk again, Ron went back to his thoughts.


Ron sat in the common room later that night, reading the final chapter of Hogwarts, a History.

“YES!” Ron yelled, causing quite a few people to look at him strangely. Ignoring them, he added, “I’VE FINISHED THE BOOK!” It had taken him exactly two weeks.

“Well done, Ron,” Harry said with a smile. “I would have thought you’d have given up a long time ago.”

“I wasn’t going to give up on the reading. That I can handle. Now, this fight with Hermione, that’s a different story. I can’t figure out what to do to make her forgive me.”

“Just buy her a really expensive present or something.”

“I already though of that. But I think she’s too mad for that to work. If I’m going to do it by getting her a present, it’s going to have to be something all meaningful. Girls always go for that kind of shit.”

“But what type of present will you get her?”

“I have no idea.”


“YES” Ron yelled for the second time that evening, this time getting even stranger looks. In a quieter voice, he added, “I’ll get her a book.”

“Oh, how thoughtful Ron. She doesn’t have any of those.” Harry said dryly.

“No, Harry, you don’ get it. She’s mad at me for calling studying stupid, right?”

“Right. . .”

“I’ll get her a really thick book that I would never read to show her that I don’t mind that she studies all the time.”

“Wow, Ron. I’m surprised. Who would have thought you could go and figure out such a thoughtful gift all on your own?”

“Stuff it Harry. Now what book should I get her?”

“Um, you should probably get her something she’ll be able to use for school. It’ll be even more symbolic and crap about the whole studying thing. And she’ll be able to read it right away. If you give her something that doesn’t have to do with our classes, she won’t be able to read it for a week and a half after she gets it because of the bet.”

“You’re right. But now I have to figure out how I’m going to find a book that she hasn’t ever read before and get it here in just four days.”

“Good luck with that.” Harry said with a grin on his face.


‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. Fred and George would be so proud.’ Ron thought to himself. It was Saturday, and he was on his way to Hogsmeade. The only problem was that it wasn’t a Hogsmeade weekend. If he got caught, he would be in really big trouble.

He had borrowed Harry’s cloak to sneak in and out of the school without anyone seeing him. He was using the secret passage behind the witch that Harry had discovered in their third year.

He finally got to the bookstore in Hogsmeade and he made his way to the most advanced section. Knowing her, she would want a really thick book that had really tiny print. He scanned the shelves, trying to find something that had to do with one of their classes. He finally spotted the perfect book. He paid for it quickly, and then he hurried back to the school before anyone would notice he was gone.


Ron sat on his bed, a very heavy copy of Moste Potente Potions next to him. He was surprised at his luck in buying it. The checkout wizard hadn’t said anything about such a young student buying that book. It was bad enough to be in the restricted section, after all.

He took out his quill and a piece of parchment to write her a note.


I hope you like this gift. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about our fight, and I didn’t mean to call studying stupid or say that you were stupid for studying. I just meant that I don’t personally like to study. It’s fine if you do it, there’s nothing wrong with that. In case you don’t remember (even though I’m sure you do) this is the book that we found the polyjuice potion in. See, even I thought this book was useful. And since it has to do with Potions, you can read it during the bet. Anyways, I hope you can forgive me for being such an arse.


He reread the letter. It wasn’t exactly eloquent, but it was the best he could do. He hoped she didn’t mind that the book was full of really gruesome potions besides the one they had used (not that turning into Crabbe was a walk in the park, but still, it was one of the nicer ones in the book). In his experience, the girls cared more about the thought than the actual gift. But he could be very wrong, as he usually was. Just in case, he had made sure the book could be returned if she didn’t like it.

He shut the light off and went to sleep, wishing Tuesday would come so he could give her the present.


“Ron, wake up, it’s Hermione’s birthday,” Harry whispered urgently. He was just as anxious as his friend to see if this whole present thing worked.

They went down to the common room to find Hermione already awake, doing homework.

“Happy birthday, Hermione!” Ron and Harry said together.

“Thanks, Harry,” she replied.

“Here, Hermione, I have a present for you,” Ron said, handing her the wrapped book.

She opened it cautiously. When she saw what it was, she looked a little disgusted.

“Harry, will you please ask Ron why he thought I needed a book that says how to make potions that flay people? I don’t think it’s very smart of him to give me any ideas.”

“Read the note, Hermione,” Ron said.

“Harry, there is no note,” she replied.

“That’s not possible, I put the note in the book right before I wrapped it. I’ll be right back,” Ron said, confused.

He went up to his room and looked took off all of the sheets, trying to find that damn piece of parchment. He hoped he didn’t have to rewrite it. He couldn’t remember a word. Just when he was about to give up, he spotted it tangled up in his blanket.

‘Thank Merlin,’ he thought as he went back to the common room.

He handed Hermione the note, and watched her face as she read it. She looked like she didn’t know where to go with it. Finally, she stood up and looked at Ron. Then she smiled and jumped up to give him a huge hug. His face turned bright red.

“Ron, that’s so sweet! A little strange, but still sweet!” Hermione said, still hugging him. His face turned even redder, if that was possible.

“Hermione. . .air. . .becoming an issue” Ron gasped. She lightened up a very small amount.

Harry quietly slipped out of the room with a smirk on his face, leaving them to talk.


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