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The Eighth Insane Bet



Hermione sat in the common room, reading a book on the history of Quidditch. They decided it was alright for the bet because it had to do with her taking up the sport.

Her mind wasn’t really on the book, for once. She was thinking about Ron again. She was very glad they had made up. The idea behind the book had been really sweet, even if the book itself was a little . . . creepy. She really didn’t like staying so angry at him, but sometimes she just got caught up in the moment and let her fury take over.

But lately she was feeling anything but angry. It was pure torture to be anywhere near him. He smelled so good, with that damn cologne. Why did he have to be so irresistible?

She was absolutely terrified to say anything to him about it. Being the Quidditch star that he was, it was highly unlikely he would settle for a bookworm like her.

Her thoughts drifted to the bet they had made. As much as she hated to admit it, Quidditch was a really fun sport. She actually found herself looking forward to the end of classes so she could go practice. That had never happened before. The reading she did had always felt a lot like a continuation of her classes.

And she had to admit, it was really cute to see Ron reading all the time. He always looked like he was concentrating, as if he wanted to learn everything and not just get it done. And, whenever he came to an interesting part, the corners of his lips would lift into the most adorable smile. She always got a little weak at the knees when he did that. She wished he would direct one of those smiles at her, and then walk up to her, kissing her gently on the lips. . .

‘No! Bad Hermione!’ she told herself. ‘I can’t go having those thoughts about Ron! He’s one of my best friends. It would be way too weird.’


Ron sat watching Hermione read with a giddy smile on his face. He was glad it was late and there wasn’t anyone in the common room to see him looking at her like a complete idiot.

He still couldn’t believe that she had decided to forgive him. Usually when he tried to do something thoughtful for someone else, it blew up in his face. He hated it when she gave him the silent treatment. He’d rather have a twenty-four hour Potions lesson than have her be mad at him. But she had decided to talk to him again, and he had gone a whole four days without screwing it up. It was a personal best.

He glanced back over at where she was sitting. She looked so cute when she read. She would always bite her lip whenever she was thinking about something. It was so adorable. He was having major issues trying to concentrate on the new book he was supposed to be reading when she was sitting just a few chairs over looking all kissable. Not that the book was bad; he was actually enjoying it. He liked the feeling of knowing all the stuff he read. It made him feel smarter. He just hoped Hermione noticed.

And Merlin, why did she have to go and learn how to play Quidditch? It just made him want her even more knowing that he could share his favorite sport with her now.

‘Oh, no,’ he thought with a groan, ‘She’s gone and shifted in her seat, and now I can see her underwear! I am so dead.’


Harry laughed to himself during Potions the next day, which was a dangerous thing to do. Just a smile in Snape’s class could get him a week’s detention.

Ron and Hermione were just so funny. There was an extraordinary amount of sexual tension between them, and they didn’t even notice it. ‘Well,’ he thought, ‘that’s not entirely true. They’ve both figured out they like the other, but they don’t know that their feelings are returned. I’m surprised that Hermione hasn’t figured it out yet. Everyone else knows, and she’s supposed to be the smartest witch in our year.’

He looked up at them again. Hermione raised her hand to answer a question, just barely brushing her arm against Ron in the process. They both blushed furiously and took a sudden interest in the wall.

He wished they would just get on with it and admit that they fancied each other. This was getting ridiculous.

In the meantime, though, it was going to be an amusing year.


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