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Cellie's Baby Shower


That's Cellie and her mom opening up all the lovely gifts her guest got for her baby Yasmine.


                              Lani, B, and Melanie                                                                            Nina and Jen

                                                                Lani and Melanie                                                                        Kristen and B

                                                        Trish, Cori, B and Brain                                                                                Trish and Cori


       All of us you can pretty much figure it out who is who!    

                                                                                               Prego Cellie with Prego Kristen =)


                                Cori                                                 Me and Brain                                     Me and Cellie                                    Lani

        B and Lani                                                        Melanie and Lani                                                   Jen and B

                                                         Cori, B, and Trish                                                                                Jen and Ale

                                                        Melanie and B                                                                                Melanie and Ale

                 Kristen and B                                                Nina and Ale                                    Nina and B                      

That was a real fun day. Getting to hang out with the girls and celebrating Cellie's future baby. I look so damn retarded in all the pics making the goofiest of faces, I am definitely not a photogenic person. Anyways enjoy.