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Christmas 2002

Christmas was a real big issue for us in the year 2002. It marked our first Christmas together since the family broke off. See they adults had a falling out and well ever since then we stopped talking and finally they decided it was ridiculous and got back together! It was a great reunion and it was great for us kids because we really did miss spending time with one another.


That is what our Christmas tree looked like at my house.


I look like one big moron! LOL don't mind my fatness or my horrible mix of white eye shadow =/

For those who actually care and wonder who the hell Franny is well she is my aunts sister :]

My expecting aunts before they give birth to William and Alex                 That is my cousin Tonia my grandma and me :] We all look alike.


My cousin Pedrito is so cute :)

All of us looking like dorks!