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Tia Claudia's Baby Shower

This is my Aunt Claudia's baby shower pictures. We all got together at Greynolds Park and had a nice day out.

That's my Tia Claudia



                Tia Claudia and my Uncle Alex                                               My Tio  Alex                                                 My Tio  Pedro


                                                    Tio Pedro with my Tia Aracely                                  Baby Shower contests are fun! They are drinking beer in

                                                                                                                                  baby bottle! Only in a Chilean baby shower will this ever occur!

                My mom got a little messy with the beer                    My cousin Marco trying to win a game                My mom lol I just thought it was too funny!

                                    <3 Awww it's my mom and dad <3                                   My Padrino and my Madrina (my godparents) Marco and Maria

From L to R: my bro Jason, my cousins: Tonya, Cheryl, my bro Victor giving you the bird! and my cousins: David and Ulises the little white boy in the middle.

From L to Right: Me (I look like ass!), Pedrito, Tonya, Sabrina, Marco, Cheryl, Melanie, Victor, Ulises, David and Jason.

That's all of us. Those are all my grandmas grand kids. Yea we are a big family and to think we are missing some!


My cousin Ulises                                     My cousin Pedrito                                   My cousin Ulises again

        My grandma who I call Mami Maria                                      My cousins Pedrito and Sabrina                                        My cousin Marco

            My grandparents Papi Victor and my Mami Maria                         My cousin David                             My cousins Sabrina and Pedrito