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My 20th Birthday

I just want to thank my parents who are the absolute most amazing parents on the universe! My brother Victor for helping me out to get things organized. My friends who attended, and those who didn't I still love you. Thanks for all the lovely e-mail greetings, instant messages, journal comments, hugs, kisses, pictures, gifts, and cards. Thanks for the beer you all brought thank you for coming, thank you for eating the food. I say it was a good damn party! MAXIMIZE THIS WEBPAGE FOR BEST VIEW! For more on the part refer to the link below you can only read it if you are on my friends list on live journal so :-P

The Birthday Entry

                                                                    Katie and Katherine                                                      Heike and Jose                                         Gloria and Sandy

Terry and Trish                                                                                Wes




Yesse and Alex                            Cellie

                                    Alex and Yesse (I got to pinch her cheeks!)                            Flavia, LOL!                                                                    Plucky and Nina


Tony                                                                                                                 Lani

                                    Tessana and Cami                                                                Lani                            Cellie                            Rudy

These are two pictures but they look like one it's awesome WOOOOO! (yes, I am a dork!)

Terry, Trish, and Cori with a drunk face yet she doesn't drink.                                 Austin




                                                                                Me and Tony                                                                 Me and Austin (I look like ass in all the pictures!)


                                                        My cousin's girlfriend Yesenia, my cousin Marco and me                                        Katherine and Duckii :)

                                                                  Plucky, Duckii, Katherine, and Me                                                              Gloria me and Sandy

Lani, Me, Alex, Yesse, and Wes

                                                   Me, and Katie                           My mom and Dad                                       Flavia and Me


Rudy and Me our minds together make one big bomb of evilness *evil laugh*



                                          Cellie, Me drunk, and Chris wasted as fuck                                              My cousin Marco and Nina rubbing his tummy for luck


Cellie and Nina

Austin and Cellie. Austin looks like Popeye with his eye closed and Cellie was in la la land in the 2nd pic, lol!

The true thugs of the party Cami and her sister Tessana lol @ all the drinkage!


LOL @ the decorations of the cake Adam drew a little devil and my brother just through icing all over over and I wrote my name all fucked up! LOL

And this is me at 20 I have like marker all over my arm and shit and I look like I'm picking my nose but I was just really drunk. I look so hideous but you know what I had fun! Thanks guys I love you all so fucking much!