Level | Ability | Usage Example |
One | Indirect Breeze | Candles flicker when the mage enters a room; eerie presence |
Two | Indirect Wind | Torches everywhere can be blown out in command. |
Three | Targeted Wind | A candle in an open window can be blown out... three stories up. |
Four | Heightened Attributes | Tusk's movements are quickened/strengthened with the directed wind at his back. |
Five | Movement; small | Objects - able to be held in a hand - can be forced around at the will of the mage. |
Six | Movement; large | Any object moveable can be pushed around at the will of the mage. |
Seven | Levitate | The will of the mage is developed enough that wind can be used in such a way to defy gravity. |
Eight | Levitate Others | The strength of the wind and the acuteness of the mage's will can now be used to levitate others. |
Nine | Fingertipped Wind | A mage is primarily dominant over many aspects of the wind, and many things can be accomplished without the risk of failure. |
Ten | Tornadoes | The elementalist is so strong - the Weather en masse can be effected. |