Yo. I don't use this website any more. It has been left to rust for the past 2 years. Sorry if you keep looking at it for something new, because I promise there is nothing.
The website was fun for a while, but I have more important things to do with my life than put personal information and pictures on the internet for anyone to look at.
Some things you might want to check out while you're here
George W. Bush Quotes
Funny stuff
Yo YO! Everybody! I have the Rambler page completed.
All the pictures I have so far are up there for your viewing pleasure.
My Little Nash Rambler
Websites to visit because you ran out of things to do here
Exploding Dog Cartoon Drawings!
Camel Toe Report
Nate's page of fun fun fun!
Captain Jonny's Homepage
The Onion - pure craziness
Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Read other people's ramblings to me
Sign the damn guestbook!