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Everything that's right is wrong at the wrong time


Dimensions reflect our inner stature, they influence our entire existance.The world in which an individual "exists" in is different than the world an individual "lives" inside their mind. Mind, another form of existance as in the Brain..which is the physical dimension of this situation.Many times you will wonder what it is we're discussing here. BUT.Since this conversation is A ONE WAY ROAD INTO YOUR BRAIN, it will enventually lead you to the realization of a higher consiousness. The higher level. Then the difficulties of answering the many questions you'll have will leave you with an empty space inside. Truthfully speaking the words I find in this unexpected information coming in from different sources cannot be explained in simple words. Or worlds. The difference between these dimensions will ultimately lead you to the way.

Level 1

You need to explore the experiences you lived in before. For there is a meaning to everything, and everything will be forever remembered as a powerful lesson created by your experiences. These facts haunt the bottomless pit of our sorrows, we try to drown them into the unknown force of perfection. Facsim is declared to be the past.But the new rule, the new set of government developing among us will eventually make its way into the mist of darkness . No empty spaces, all filled and ready to explode, when the density on each particle increases the particle then has no other choice than to escape somehow and the only way to escape is to blow up into a new proportion, a bigger and stronger one. This process repeats itself over and over until the particle builds its parts, but the comanding force was built before all this took place. The comanding force is the source of the particle... the energy, the engine. We know the the opposites attract right? Therefore VARIETY is the ultimate solution for our evolution shall be the revolution of our prosperty.BUT. Does prosperty really conquer our quest as soilders of a higher force? As the dimension keeps on building, the closer we get to the truth..and its as simple as that. All you have to do is change the dimension you're in.

Level 2
All is Real

The type of individuality created by the source is involved in becoming a member of society. ITs peak is when the individual breaks through with an overwhelming experience of self awareness.The increase of past experiences leads the new qualified member of society to find its way through the fast paced society we are faced with today. Making the new dimension will not be an easy task. Taking part in this project will eventually lead you to the satisfying conclusion of your ultimate reality. The unknown force will lead you to its core and make you realize that there's no other way. The only way you can possibly outlive the earth is by living in this dimension. The ultimate dimension where all is real. Nothing is made up by particles, forming other particles, the reality of it all is revealed right in front of your eyes, you a s a witness of this magnificent event will be the beholder of the truth that lies between these worlds. " The inmensity that builds up in your soul will be transferred for many light years. in your soul there is only peace and happiness. You don't have to deal with the objects of life. The project that the source brought you here for will no longer be of use because you will find that by getting to know "the self" is the only way you can achieve happiness. The materials donnot matter at this point the only secret to get a better understanding of your situation is by searching inside for inner actualization. It certainly is not an easy requires an illusional state of mind to realize that the consequences of these facts will eventually influence our entire species. The multiple tasks in your dreamsate will determine the set of rules in the 3rd dimension. The values you behold in your dream state will not be forgotten by the source that cuts all existance short. It will manifest itself into a new particular event, making the irrelevant past non existant and the future a eternal state of blissfullness. The peace that surrounds every living thing when they decompose.

Level 3
Consiousness There's always a doubt wether or not a human being should surrender to the laws of nature. Wether or not the human species will be able to control mother, Nature. The interruption of each event forms a pattern of coicidences which can only be interperted as fate. The artificial proportion of this word is not to confuse you but to guide you through a new meaning, the new understanding and comprehention in a new and higher level. The satifactory feeling after you've been renewed can only be described in an event. The words in writting, the words spoken are not enough to pass the lesson along. The lesson shall be learnt in a new wave of consiousness. The mass society will automattically grasp it when the time is right.

Level 4

Awareness will make you see the things you'll let free your ultimate guide to the city of bliss .. Fight for it, for the peace belongs to those truthful to themselves. The level of awareness will influence E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Your surroundings, your moves, sight hearing, the senses and perception is stored inside this tiny hole where everything filters in. The purpose of your ultimate goal will be your individuality.

Level 5

Matter the physical relationship between you and your surroundings, you are faced with these surroundings right now...wherever you are...there is matter ALL AROUND YOU. YOU ARE MATTER. the stimulant is your energy, that's what causes life. The energy combined with matter. Our physical existance is a journey or process into the ultimate dimension of our spiritual awareness. The PROCESSOR, the one that learns, understands and copes with the events occuring and reoccuring as the new dimension filters in. Matter is the key to unlocking the mysterious "soul searching questions".

Level 6

It comes back forever for there is no death to the spiritual lesson.It should be kept secretly for each individual... In your ultimate individuality you should learn the truth to your being and let everything revolve you without fearing the things that will come after you. There is only CONTINUAL ever changing cycle of energy and mattter , energy and energy matter ...

Everything that's wrong is right at the right time.