Written by Czar Fruitcake

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own them, I just slap them around.

SUMMARY: Cordy gets hers again for the end of the March 25th episode.

Cordelia walked slowly toward Lorne, still wearing the evil black outfit.

Lorne, in the middle of some conveniently abandoned factory, chanted softly. “I’m bait,” he chanted. “Ku wack et nu ah, I’m ba-iiiiiiiiiit.” Cordy stealthily moved toward him, the knife in her hand. "Et um ta bru-kan I’m ba-iiiiit. Tee heee hehhehehehe,” Lorne sang clearly. Cordelia raised the knife. Suddenly, lights came on, and Cordelia realized she was surrounded.

The entire gang, minus Connor, stood there, pointing weapons at Cordelia. Cordy smiled.

Fred, a changed expression coming over her face, walked briskly toward Cordelia. THWACK!

“What part of the ‘I’m bait’ song didn’t you understand?” she asked Cordy.

“Has Cordy been a bad girl?” Lorne asked.

THWACK! Winnie turned her wrath on Lorne.

“What kind of question is that? Yes, Cordy has been very naughty, killing people and causing mass devastation and what not. Give me that stupid magic eight ball, Lorne.” Winnie’s voice made it clear that she wouldn’t ask twice. Lorne handed over the magic eight ball.

Winnie looked at it. “Will I be THWACKing more people?” she asked it.

She shook it.

Most definitely.

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