
Chapter 2

Written by Czar Fruitcake

DISCLAIMER: Joss still owns everyone and everything

SUMMARY: Another strange incident from Buffy’s past

Five year old Buffy Summers was playing quietly on her driveway, her mother watching from a window inside. Through the window, she heard the phone ring, and she watched as her mother turned away from the window to go answer the phone.

“Psssst!” she heard a now-familiar voice say.

She glanced to the side, now not at all surprised to see the little green man sitting next to her. “Coincidence,” she whispered softly.

“Buffy,” the leprechaun said in a jovial tone, “you see that rock over there?”

Buffy spun around and spotted the giant chunk of sandstone the leprechaun was gesturing toward.

“I want you to play catch with that rock, Buffy,” the small creature told her.

“It’s too heavy,” Buffy responded, knowing that she would never be able to lift it up.

Coincidence shook his head. “I want you to play catch with that rock, Buffy,” he repeated in a more urgent tone.

“Play catch with that rock…” Buffy mumbled, as if in a trance. She stood up, walked over to the massive rock, and lifted it up with surprising ease. She then began to toss it up in the air and catch it, higher and higher each time.

Eventually she threw it up so high that she couldn’t see it anymore. She stood, her face tilted directly toward the sunny California sky, watching for any sign of the rock.

THUD! The rock hit Buffy in the back of the head and she fell to the ground. Her mother found her there, only half-conscious and murmuring “play catch with that rock, play catch with that rock…”

The rock was nowhere in sight

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