Written by Czar Fruitcake
SUMMARY: Patrick gets it, even though Jack and Patrick have never met.
A few days later, Jack McPhee, completely gone to the world in his state of stupor, found himself in a high school gym at a high school dance. He had no idea whatsoever why he was there.
In the middle of a dance floor, a fight suddenly erupted, as one horny teenager tried to give another horny teenager a wedgie.
Jack walked over to the fight, and though he had no idea why he felt the urge to smack the blonder of the two boys, he did so anyway.
“Hey!” Patrick said. “Who are you and why did you do that?”
“Giving someone a wedgie?” Harley asked from the corner, receiving Jack’s attention.
“J Lo did it in one of her movies,” Patrick insisted, trying desperately to look manly.
THWACK! Patrick grabbed the side of his head.
“I’m still Jenny from the block,” he sang, whimpering.
“Stupid wants-Joey-suggests-threesomes-disturbing-not-in-any-way-a-younger-version-of-Pacey-diva-wannabe-baby-Charlie rugrat,” Jack murmured.
A moment later, Harley caught his eye, and it occurred to his unconscious mind that Joey looked distinctly as if she was about to do something stupid.
“Must THWACK,” he murmured sleepily.
“My love don’t cost a thing,” Patrick sang.
“Vintage,” Jack said.
“Word,” said Patrick.