
Chapter 1

Written by Czar Fruitcake

DISCLAIMER: Nope, I don’t own them. Yup, I wish I did.

SUMMARY: A leprechaun makes Giles do strange things.

Giles walked through the streets of Sunnydale. Within days, he would get his first slayer, one Buffy Summers. He’d done so much to prepare for this day.

Not far away, a leprechaun was watching him. The leprechaun’s name was Non-maleficence, and Non-maleficence had a job to do.

He quickly went up to Giles.

“Oh dear,” Giles said. “What’s going on?”

“Ruuuuuuuu-peeeeeeeert!” the leprechaun said.

Giles listened to his hypnotic voice.

“Ruuuuuu-peeeeert,” the leprechaun said. “I want you to lend money to a bum named Weasel.”

Giles didn’t know why, but he had the strangest urge to do what the leprechaun told him to. His voice was just sooooooooo green.

“Hey buddy. Got ten bucks for a guy that needs it?” a rather scruffy looking gentleman, appearing by Giles’s side asked.

The leprechaun’s voice sounded from afar. “Lend money to a bum named Weeeeeaaaaaaaseeeeeel.” His voice was so very green.

Giles, a very refined expression on his face, took out the money and handed it to the bum.

“Here you go, Weasel,” he said, his British accent very pronounced.

“Muahahahhahhahha,” said Non-maleficence.

TBC… the things Giles does will just get stranger. Look at Coincidence for a better idea of what’s to come.

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